1 equal treatment
HRa principle of the European Union that requires member states to ensure that there is no discrimination with regard to employment, vocational training, and working conditions. The principle of equal treatment is applied through Europewide directives and national legislation of the member states. -
2 равноправно-национальный режим
7.14 равноправно-национальный режим (equal and national treatment): Режим, предоставляемый продукции (3.3) или процессам из других стран, который является не менее благоприятным, чем режим, предоставляемый аналогичной продукции или процессам национального происхождения или продукции или процессам из других стран в сравнимой ситуации.
Примечание - Общее выражение «результат оценки соответствия» используется в 7.4 - 7.9 для обозначения продукции (3.3) при любом виде деятельности по оценке соответствия (например, отчет или сертификат) и может включать в себя вывод о несоответствии.
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 17000-2009: Оценка соответствия. Словарь и общие принципы оригинал документа
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > равноправно-национальный режим
3 право прав·о
юр.аннулировать права — to annul / to nullify rights
восстанавливать в правах — to rehabilitate (smb.)
давать право одному государству совершать действия на территории другого государства — to give to a state the right to perform certain acts on the territory of another state
дать (кому-л.) право — to give (smb.) a title
затрагивать (чьи-л.) права — to involve (smb.'s) rights
злоупотреблять (своими) правами — to abuse the rights
иметь право — to have / to possess the right (to), to be entitled (to), to be eligible (for); to be vested with the right
иметь право исповедовать любую религию или не исповедовать никакой — to have the right to profess or not to profess any religion
иметь право стать членом (какой-л. организации) — to be eligible for membership
лишиться / утрачивать права — to forfeit
наносить ущерб (чьим-л.) правам — to prejudice (smb.'s) rights
не иметь права вмешиваться в обсуждение (какого-л.) вопроса — to have no say in the matter, not to be entitled to the discussion
обладать правами — to enjoy / to have rights
обрести право — to qualify (for)
оговаривать право в отношении (чего-л.) — to reserve the right with regard (to smth.)
ограничивать права — to curtail / to restrict (smb.'s) rights
оспаривать право — to dispute / to contest a right
оставить (за собой) право сделать (что-л.) — to reserve the right to do (smth.)
осуществлять (свои) права — to exercise (one's) rights
отказать (кому-л.) в праве — to deny (smb.) the right
отказаться от (своего) права — to renounce / to resign / to abandon / to surrender (one's) right (to)
отказаться от права выступить — to forgo / to waive one's right to speak
отстаивать (свои) права — to assert / to stand upon (one's) rights
подтвердить права (жителей) — to underpin the rights (of inhabitants)
пользоваться правами — to exercise / to enjoy one's rights поступаться (своим) правом to waive (one's) right
посягать на (чьи-л.) права — to invade (smb's) rights, to infringe on / upon (smb.'s) rights
предоставлять права — to confer rights (upon), to grant / to accord / to give rights (to), to entitle, to enable, to empower
предоставлять (кому-л.) право сделать что-л. (преим. о законодательстве) — to enable (smb.) to do smth.
присваивать (себе) право — to arrogate (to oneself) a right
расширять права — to broaden / to expand the rights
реализовать (своё) право — to exercise (one's) right
сохранять (за собой) право сделать что-л. — to reserve the right (to do smth.)
требовать причитающегося по праву — to claim a / one's right
уважать права и законные интересы (других) лиц — to respect the rights and lawful interests of (other) persons
уравнивать в право ах — to give / to grand equal rights (to smb.), to equalize (smb.) in rights
урезать права — to curtail (smb.'s) rights
ущемлять права — to derogate from (smb.'s) right
ущемлять законные права и интересы — to infringe (on) ligitimate rights and interests
"бумажное право" (право, существующее на бумаге) — paper title
естественное право — natural law / right
законное право — legitimate right, valid title
борьба за законные права — struggle for (one's) legitimate rights
избирательное право — vote, electoral right, suffrage, elective franchise, electorship
всеобщее, равное и прямое избирательное право при тайном голосовании — universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot
лишённый избирательного права — voteless, nonvoter
избирательное право для женщин — female / women's suffrage
лишение избирательных прав — deprivation of electoral rights, disenfranchisement
имеющий право быть избранным — electable, eligible
имеющий право выбирать — elective, eligible
имеющий право выдвижения собственной кандидатуры или избрания самого себя (на какой-л. пост, в члены организации) — self-elective
имущественные права — property rights, vested interests
исключительное право — exclusive / sole / prerogative right, monopoly, prerogative, absolute title
исключительное право на учреждение предприятия / фирмы — exclusive right of establishment
монопольное право — exclusive / monopoly / sole right
неотъемлемое право — inalienable / inherent / undeniable right
облекающий правом (преим. о законе) — enabling
общее / совместное право — right of common
основные права — basic / fundamental rights
особое право, предоставленное правительством или монархом — franchise
лишать политических прав — to denude / to deprive (smb.) of political rights
преимущественное право — preference, priority / underlying, preferential right, right of priority
признанные права — acquired / vested rights
на равных правах — enjoying / exercising equal rights
предоставить специальные права — to confer (on smb.) special rights
осуществлять (свои) суверенные права — to exercise (one's) sovereign rights
феодальное право ист. — feudal law
защита прав — defence / protection of rights
коллизия права (противоречие между нормами различных правовых систем по одному и тому же вопросу) — conflict of laws
лицо, имеющее право на обратный переход к нему имущества — reversioner
лица, ограниченные в праве передвижения — restrictees
лицо, отказавшееся от (каких-либо) прав в пользу другого лица — releasor
лицо, получившее право на возмещение ущерба — recoveror
нарушение / ущемление прав — infringement / violation of rights
отказ от прав — abandonment of rights, quitclaim
положение, принадлежащее по праву — rightful position
право ангарии, право воюющей стороны на захват — right of angary
право беспрепятственного / мирного прохода — right of innocent passage
право вето — right of veto, veto power, negative voice
право владения, пользования и распоряжения — right of possession, enjoyment and disposal
право выбирать (свой собственный) путь (развития) — right of nations to choose their own path / way (of development)
право выгрузки пассажиров, багажа, грузов и почты — right to discharge passengers, baggage, cargo and mail
право выезда / выхода — egress
право, выработанное судами — judge-made law
право, вытекающее из (факта) владения — title by possession
права, вытекающие из данного договора — rights under the treaty
право вышестоящего суда пересмотреть приговор или решение нижестоящего суда — appellate jurisdiction
право голоса / участия в выборах / голосовании — voting right, franchise one's right to vote
лишать права голоса — to exclude (smb.) from the poll, to deprive of the right to vote, to disfranchise
лишать выборщика права голоса — to disqualify an elector, to disfranchise
право государств на суверенитет над своими природными ресурсами — right of nations of sovereignty over their natural resources
равные права граждан всех рас и национальностей — equal rights of citizens of all races and nationalities
права заимствования / на получение кредита (в МВФ) — drawing rights (in IMF)
специальные права заимствования, СПЗ — special drawing rights, SDR
право заключать коллективные договоры — right to collective bargaining, right to conclude collective agreements
право законодательной инициативы — right of legislative initiative, power to initiate legislation
социально-экономические, политические и личные права и свободы — social, economic, political and personal rights and freedoms
право инспекции / осмотра — right of inspection
право мирного прохода через территориальные воды — freedom of inoffensive passage through the maritime belt
право на вмешательство / на интервенцию — right of intervention
право на возвращение (своих) природных ресурсов — right to reclaim (one's) natural resources
право на выход из состава участников (соглашения, договора и т.п.) — right of withdrawal
право на гражданство — right to citizenship / nationality
право на домовую церковь (для посла) / свободного отправления религиозного культа в особом помещении посольства или миссии — right of Chapel
право на жизнь, свободу и личную неприкосновенность — right to life, liberty and security of person
права на интеллектуальную и промышленную собственность — intellectual and industrial property rights
право на материальное обеспечение в старости в случае болезни и потери трудоспособности — right to material security in old age, sickness and disability
право на национализацию или передачу владения своим гражданам — right to nationalization or transfer of ownership to its nationals
право на ответ / на ответное слово — right of reply
используя право на ответ / в порядке осуществления права на ответ — in exercise of (one's) right of reply
отказаться от права на ответ — to waive (one's) right to reply
право на получение информации (журналистами) / право быть осведомлённым — right to know разг.
право на разработку минеральных ресурсов / полезных ископаемых — mineral rights
права на репатриацию иностранных капиталовложений / прибылей — repatriation right
право на самооборону — right of / to self-defence
право на свободу убеждений и свободное их выражение / свободу слова — right to freedom of opinion and expression
право на связь / на использование связи — right of communication
право на социальное обеспечение — right to social security / insurance
право на существование — right to exist, right of existence
иметь право на что-л. (в силу собственных заслуг, способностей, создавшегося положения) — in one's own right
право навигации / судоходства — navigation right
право народов на свободное и независимое развитие — right of nations to free and independent development
право наследования — right of succession / to inherit
право наций на самоопределение вплоть до государственного отделения — right of nations to self-determination up to and including separation
право обжаловать действия должностных лиц — the right to lodge a complaint against the actions of officials
право, основанное на давности (его использования) — prescriptive right
права, осуществляемые (по чьему-л.) полномочию — vicarious power / authority
права, относящиеся к предоставлению убежища — rights relating to asylum
право погрузки пассажиров, багажа, грузов и почты — right to pick up passengers, baggage, cargo and mail
право покидать любую страну, включая свою собственную, и возвращаться в свою страну — right to leave any country including one's own and to return to one's country
право по рождению / в силу происхождения — birthright
право посольства / представительства — right of legation
право, признанное судом справедливости — equities
право принимать и назначать дипломатических представителей — right of reception and mission of diplomatic envoys
право принимать пассажиров, направляющихся на территорию (какого-л.) государства — privilege to take on passengers for the territory of a state
право проезда / прохода — right of passage
право рыболовства — right of fishery / fishing
право свободно выбирать (себе) местожительство — right to freedom of residence
право свободного доступа (к чему-л.) — freedom of access (to smth.)
право собственности — title, property right, right of ownership
права собственности или квазисобственности — proprietary or quasi-proprietary rights
неоспоримое право собственности — marketable / merchantable / good title
право собственности, приобретённое завладением — title by occupancy
право ссылаться на основание недействительности договора — right to invoke a ground for invalidating a treaty
право ссылаться на основание прекращения договора — right to invoke a ground for terminating a treaty
право ссылаться на основание приостановления действия договора — right to invoke a ground for suspending the operation of a treaty
право транзита / транзитного прохода — right of transit
право убежища — right of asylum, rights of sanctuary, sanctuary rights
права человека — human rights, rights of mankind
защита прав человека — defence / protection of human rights
нарушение прав человека — repsession / supression / violation of human rights
право (на осуществление) юрисдикции — right of jurisdiction
утрата права на... — loss of a right to...
2) мн. (свидетельство) licence3) (совокупность законов и постановлений) law, ruleвнутригосударственное право — national law, municipal jurisprudence
государственное право — state / political / public / constitutional law
нарушения государственных или общественных прав и интересов — public wrongs
применяемое в вооружённых конфликтах гуманитарное право — humanitarian rules relating to armed conflicts
договорное право — law of treaties, contract law
дополнительное, субсидиарное право — appendant
каноническое право — canon law, the Canon
космическое право — outer space / cosmic law
крепостное право ист. — serfdom
кулачное право, право сильного — fist law
международное право — international law, law of nations
игнорировать общепризнанные нормы международного права — to disregard generally recognized norms of international law
несовместимость с нормами международного права — incompatibility with the norms / rules of international law
морское право — law of the sea, maritime / naval law
морское призовое право — maritime / naval prize
общее / обычное право — common / customary / consuetudinary law
прецедентное право — law of precedent, case law
торговое право — merchant / commercial law, law-merchant
уголовное право — criminal / penal law
нарушение / несоблюдение норм права — contempt of the law
4 режим
1) (строй) regimeнасаждать / устанавливать режим — to set up a regime
2) юр. (система правил, мероприятий) regimeмеждународный режим дна морей и океанов за пределами действия национальной юрисдикции — international regime for the seabed and the ocean floor beyond national jurisdiction
порты, находящиеся под международным режимом — ports placed under international regime
пограничный режим — boundary / frontier regime
преференциальный режим — preference / preferential treatment
режим наибольшего благоприятствования / наиболее благоприятствуемой нации — most-favoured nation / MFN treatment
предоставить режим наибольшего благоприятствования — to accord / to extend the most favoured nation treatment
страна, на которую распространяется / которой предоставлен режим наибольшего благоприятствования — most favoured nation
режим судоходных путей международного значения — regime of navigable waterways of international significance
режим, установленный по соглашению — conventional regime
режим экономии — policy of economy, economy regime
5 igualdad
f.1 equality (equivalencia).en igualdad de condiciones on equal termsigualdad de derechos equal rightsigualdad de oportunidades equal opportunities2 sameness.3 equation.* * *1 equality2 (de superficie) levelness\en igualdad de condiciones,... all things being equal,...estar en igualdad de condiciones to be on equal termsigualdad de derechos equal rightsigualdad de oportunidades equal opportunities* * *noun f.* * *SF1) (=equivalencia) equalityen igualdad de condiciones — on an equal basis, on an equal footing
2) (=uniformidad) [de superficie] evenness; [de rasgos, formas] similarity* * *femenino equality* * *= equity, parity, equality, equitability.Ex. It covers selected news reports which include the president's programme, power for youth services workers, pay equity, and equity in information services.Ex. The two cases perhaps indicate the beginning of attitudinal changes in awards administrators which will give parity of esteem to information-driven programmes.Ex. The national ethos is much more egalitarian than it was and more and more appeals can successfully be made to the argument of equality in political discussion.Ex. These variables ensured equitability by virtue of enabling each department to acquire the same percentage of the literature published in its field.----* concienciacion de la igualdad de sexos = gender awareness.* directiva sobre la igualdad de trato = equal treatment directive.* en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.* en igualdad de condiciones = other things being equal, on equal terms, one of equals, ceteris paribus, in a tie, on an equal footing, on an equal basis.* en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.* estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.* igualdad de acceso = equity of access.* igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.* igualdad de derechos = equal rights, equality of rights.* igualdad de género = gender equality, sex equality, sexual equality.* igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo = equal employment opportunity.* igualdad de oportunidades = equal opportunity, equality of opportunities, equity of opportunity.* igualdad de poder = parity of power.* igualdad de retribución = equal pay.* igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de valor comparable = equal pay for equal work, equal pay for comparable work.* igualdad de tratamiento = fairness.* igualdad de trato = equal treatment.* igualdad entre las razas = race equality.* igualdad entre los sexos = gender equality, sex equality, sexual equality.* igualdad racial = race equality, racial equality.* igualdad retributiva = equal pay.* igualdad social = social equity.* leyes sobre la igualdad = equity laws.* principio de igualdad, el = egalitarian principle, the.* * *femenino equality* * *= equity, parity, equality, equitability.Ex: It covers selected news reports which include the president's programme, power for youth services workers, pay equity, and equity in information services.
Ex: The two cases perhaps indicate the beginning of attitudinal changes in awards administrators which will give parity of esteem to information-driven programmes.Ex: The national ethos is much more egalitarian than it was and more and more appeals can successfully be made to the argument of equality in political discussion.Ex: These variables ensured equitability by virtue of enabling each department to acquire the same percentage of the literature published in its field.* concienciacion de la igualdad de sexos = gender awareness.* directiva sobre la igualdad de trato = equal treatment directive.* en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.* en igualdad de condiciones = other things being equal, on equal terms, one of equals, ceteris paribus, in a tie, on an equal footing, on an equal basis.* en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.* estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.* igualdad de acceso = equity of access.* igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.* igualdad de derechos = equal rights, equality of rights.* igualdad de género = gender equality, sex equality, sexual equality.* igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo = equal employment opportunity.* igualdad de oportunidades = equal opportunity, equality of opportunities, equity of opportunity.* igualdad de poder = parity of power.* igualdad de retribución = equal pay.* igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de valor comparable = equal pay for equal work, equal pay for comparable work.* igualdad de tratamiento = fairness.* igualdad de trato = equal treatment.* igualdad entre las razas = race equality.* igualdad entre los sexos = gender equality, sex equality, sexual equality.* igualdad racial = race equality, racial equality.* igualdad retributiva = equal pay.* igualdad social = social equity.* leyes sobre la igualdad = equity laws.* principio de igualdad, el = egalitarian principle, the.* * *A (equidad) equalitylibertad, igualdad, fraternidad liberty, equality, fraternityigualdad de oportunidades/derechos equal opportunities/rightspor primera vez se enfrentaban en igualdad de condiciones for the first time they faced each other on equal terms o on an equal footingB ( Mat) equation* * *
igualdad sustantivo femenino
en igualdad de condiciones on equal terms
igualdad sustantivo femenino
1 (de trato) equality: exigimos igualdad de oportunidades para los minusválidos, we demand equality of opportunity for handicapped people
igualdad ante la ley, equality before the law
en igualdad de condiciones, on equal terms
2 (coincidencia, parecido) similarity: hay mucha igualdad entre ambos equipos, there is a lot of similarity between the two teams
' igualdad' also found in these entries:
- estar
- identidad
- oportunidad
- pie
arm's length
- equal
- equality
- footing
- lobby
- minority
- parity
- sameness
- par
- pay
* * *igualdad nf1. [equivalencia] equality;la igualdad ante la ley equality before the law;piden un trato de igualdad they are asking for equal treatment;en igualdad de condiciones on equal terms;para garantizar la igualdad de condiciones in order to ensure a level playing field;en pie de igualdad on an equal footingigualdad de derechos equal rights;igualdad de oportunidades equal opportunities;igualdad de retribuciones equal pay;igualdad de sexos sexual equality2. [identidad] sameness3. Mat equation* * *f equality* * *igualdad nf1) : equality2) uniformidad: evenness, uniformity* * *igualdad n equality -
6 parte
f.1 part.la mayor parte de la gente most peoplela tercera parte de a third ofrepartir algo a partes iguales to share something out equallyen parte to a certain extent, partlypor mi/tu parte for my/your partpor partes bit by bit2 part (place).en alguna parte somewhereen otra parte elsewhere, somewhere elseno lo veo por ninguna parte I can't find it anywhere¿de qué parte de España es? what part of Spain is he from?, whereabouts in Spain is he from?3 side (bando, lado).estar/ponerse de parte de alguien to be on/to take somebody's sidepor parte de padre/madre on one's father's/mother's sidepor una parte… por otra… on the one hand… on the other (hand)…por otra parte what is more, besides (además)tener a alguien de parte de uno to have somebody on one's side4 (spare) part, spare (repuesto). (Mexican Spanish)5 party, side.6 region, place.7 communication, communiqué, message, notice.m.report.dar parte (a alguien de algo) to report (something to somebody)parte facultativo o médico medical reportparte meteorológico weather reportpres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: partir.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: partir.* * *1 (gen) part; (en una partición) portion2 (en negocio) share3 (lugar) place4 (en un conflicto) side5 DERECHO party1 (comunicado) official report1 familiar privates, private parts\dar parte to reportde parte a parte throughde parte de on behalf of, from¿de parte de quien? who's calling please?de un tiempo a esta parte up until nowen parte partlyestar de parte de to supportformar parte de to be part ofllevar la mejor/peor parte to have the best/worst of itno llevar a ninguna parte not to lead anywherepor todas partes everywherepor una parte,... por otra... on the one hand..., on the other hand...tomar parte to take sidestomar parte en algo to take part in somethingvamos/vayamos por partes one step at a timeparte de la oración part of speechparte médico medical reportparte meteorológico weather reportpartes pudendas private partspartes vergonzosas private parts* * *1. noun m.report, dispatch2. noun f.1) part2) share3) side, party4) place5) role•- en parte- parte delantera
- parte trasera* * *ISM1) (=informe) reportparte de baja (laboral) — [por enfermedad] doctor's note; [por cese] certificate of leaving employment, ≈ P45
parte facultativo, parte médico — medical report, medical bulletin
parte meteorológico — weather forecast, weather report
2) (Mil) dispatch, communiquéparte de guerra — military communiqué, war report
3) (Radio) † news bulletin4) Cono Sur [de boda] wedding invitation; (Aut) speeding ticketIISF1) (=sección) part¿en qué parte del libro te has quedado? — where are you in the book?, which bit of the book are you on at the moment?
la cuarta parte — a quarter•
ser parte esencial de algo — to be an essential part of sth•
la mayor parte de algo, pasé la mayor parte del tiempo leyendo — I spent most of the time reading-¿os queda dinero? -sí, aunque ya hemos gastado la mayor parte — "do you have any money left?" - "yes, though we've spent most of it"
la tercera parte — a third2) [en locuciones]•
de parte de, llamo de parte de Juan — I'm calling on behalf of Juan¿de parte de quién? — [al teléfono] who's calling?
en parte — partly, in partse debe en parte a su falta de experiencia — it's partly due to his lack of experience, it's due in part to his lack of experience
formar parte de algo, ¿cuándo entró a formar parte de la organización? — when did she join the organization?•
en gran parte — to a large extent•
por otra parte — on the other handpor una parte... por otra (parte) — on the one hand,... on the other
por parte de — on the part ofexige un gran esfuerzo por parte de los alumnos — it requires a great effort on the part of o from the pupils
yo por mi parte, no estoy de acuerdo — I, for my part, disagree
¡ vayamos por partes! — let's take it one step at a time!3) (=participación) share•
ir a la parte — to go shares•
tener parte en algo — to share in sth•
tomar parte (en algo) — to take part (in sth)partir¿cuántos corredores tomarán parte en la prueba? — how many runners will take part in the race?
4) (=lugar) part¿de qué parte de Inglaterra eres? — what part of England are you from?
¿en qué parte de la ciudad vives? — where o whereabouts in the city do you live?
en alguna parte — somewhere•
en cualquier parte — anywhere•
en ninguna parte — nowherepor ahí no se va a ninguna parte — (lit) that way doesn't lead anywhere; (fig) that will get us nowhere
ir a otra parte — to go somewhere else•
en o por todas partes — everywherehabaen salva sea la parte Esp euf (=trasero) —
5) (=bando) side•
estar de parte de algn — to be on sb's side¿de parte de quién estás tú? — whose side are you on?
ponerse de parte de algn — to side with sb, take sb's side6) [indicando parentesco] side7) (Dep) [en partido] half•
primera parte — first half•
segunda parte — second half8) (Teat) part9) (Jur) [en contrato] partypartes íntimas, partes pudendas — private parts
12) Méx spare part* * *I1) (informe, comunicación) reportdar parte de un incidente — particular to report an incident; autoridad to file a report about an incident
2) (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fineIIme pasaron or me pusieron un parte — I got a ticket o a fine
1)a) (porción, fracción) partpasa la mayor or gran parte del tiempo al teléfono — she spends most of her o the time on the phone
la mayor parte de los participantes — the majority of o most of the participants
esto se debe en gran parte a... — this is largely due to...
b) ( de lugar) part¿de qué parte de México eres? — what part of Mexico are you from?
2) (en locs)es, en buena parte, culpa suya — it is, to a large o great extent, his own fault
de unos meses a esta parte la situación ha empeorado — the situation has deteriorated over the past few months
muy amable de su parte — (that is/was) very kind of you
¿de parte de quién? — ( por teléfono) who's calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml)
¿tú de parte de quién estás? — whose side are you on?
tienes que poner de tu parte — you have to do your share o part o (BrE colloq) bit
formar parte de algo — pieza/sección to be part of something; persona/país to belong to something
por mi/tu/su parte — for my/your/his part
yo, por mi parte... — I, for my part... (frml), as far as I'm concerned...
por parte de: fue un error por parte nuestra/de la compañía it was a mistake on our part/on the part of the company; por parte de or del padre on his father's side; por partes: revisémoslo por partes let's go over it section by section; vayamos por partes let's take it step by step; por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case; ( por otro lado) however, on the other hand; salva sea la parte — (euf & hum) rear (colloq & euph)
3) ( participación) part4) ( lugar)vámonos a otra parte — let's go somewhere else o (AmE) someplace else
esto no nos lleva a ninguna parte — this isn't getting o leading us anywhere
¿adónde vas? - a ninguna parte — where are you going? - nowhere
a/en todas partes — everywhere
5) (en negociación, contrato, juicio) partyla parte demandante — the plaintiff/plaintiffs
6) (Teatr) part, rolemandarse la(s) parte(s) (CS) — (fam) to show off
7) (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)•* * *= body, end, part, part, party, piece, portion, quarter, section, segment, sequence, share, report.Nota: Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización.Ex. The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.Ex. Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.Ex. Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Ex. A part is one of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer.Ex. Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.Ex. Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.Ex. An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.Ex. A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.Ex. Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.Ex. No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.Ex. A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.Ex. The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.Ex. The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.----* a alguna parte = someplace.* abordar una mínima parte del asunto = touch + the tip of the iceberg.* ambas partes del argumento = both sides of the fence.* a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).* buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.* dar parte de = report.* de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.* de la parte superior = topmost [top most].* de otras partes = further afield.* de parte de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf], in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.* de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.* de todas partes = from far and wide.* de una parte a otra = back and forth.* de un tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.* dividir Algo en partes iguales = divide + Nombre + in equal parts.* dividir en partes = break into + parts.* dividirse en partes = fall into + parts.* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* en alguna parte = someplace.* en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.* en buena parte = for the most part.* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en la mayor parte de = in the majority of.* en la parte de arriba = at the top.* en la parte de atrás = in the back, at the rear.* en la parte de delante = at the front.* en la parte delantera = at the front.* en la parte posterior = in the back.* en la parte superior = at the top, uppermost.* en la parte trasera = in the back, at the rear.* en ninguna parte = nowhere.* en otra parte = elsewhere, further afield.* en otras partes = further afield.* en parte = in part, part of the way, partial, partially, partly.* en parte + Nombre = part + Nombre.* en qué parte = whereabouts.* en su mayor parte = largely, mostly, for the most part.* en su parte central = at its core.* en todas partes = all around, far and wide, far and wide.* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.* entre tres partes = 3-party [three-party].* en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].* extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* formar parte = form + part.* formar parte de = be part of, be part of, build into, enter into, become + (a) part of, be a part of, inhere in, become + one with, inform, fall under.* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* formar parte de un comite = serve on + committee.* formar parte integral = form + an integral part.* formar parte integral de = be an integral part of.* formar parte natural de su entorno = blend into + the landscape.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.* la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.* la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.* la parte de atrás de = the back of.* la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.* la parte más importante = the heart of.* la parte principal de = the bulk of.* la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.* la parte trasera de = the back of.* llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado = jury duty.* llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.* más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.* mínima parte = fraction.* no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.* numeración de las partes = numbering of parts.* parte afectada = stakeholder.* parte anterior del pie = ball of + Posesivo + foot.* parte azotada por el viento = windward.* parte de accidente = accident report.* parte de atrás = back, backside, rear.* parte delantera = fore-end.* parte de una obra = component part.* parte de una publicación = component part.* parte en un contrato = contracting party.* parte expuesta al viento = windward.* parte implicada = stakeholder.* parte inferior = bottom, underside.* parte inferior derecha = lower right.* parte integral = integral part.* parte integrante = integral part, fixture.* parte interesada = interested party, stakeholder, concerned party.* parte metereológico = weather forecast.* parte musical = part.* parte posterior = backside, rear.* parte principal del texto = meat of the text.* parte protegida = lee.* parte protegida del viento = leeward.* parte que falta = missing part.* partes = bits and pieces.* partes beligerantes = warring factions, warring parties.* partes de un conflicto = warring factions, warring parties.* parte segunda = revisited.* partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.* partes enfrentadas = warring factions, warring parties.* partes implicadas, las = parties involved, the, parties concerned, the.* parte superior = top, topside.* parte trasera = back, rear.* parte vital = lifeblood.* parte Y la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.* pero por otra parte = but then again.* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.* ponerse de parte de = side with.* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.* por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.* por parte de = on the part of.* por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.* por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.* por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.* por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.* Posesivo + partes = Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.* Posesivo + partes íntimas = Posesivo + privates, Posesivo + family jewels.* Posesivo + partes privadas = Posesivo + crown jewels, Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + family jewels.* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + privates.* que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.* que forma parte en = involved in.* que toma parte en = involved in.* relación parte/todo = whole/part relationship.* segunda parte = sequel, follow-up.* ser parte de = be part of, be a part of, fall under.* sinónimo en parte = near synonym.* subparte = subpart.* tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.* todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.* tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.* tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.* tomar parte en = join in.* tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.* tomar parte en en el asunto = be part of the picture.* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.* una cuarta parte = one-quarter (1/4), one in four.* una cuarta parte de = a fourth of.* una décima parte = one tenth [one-tenth], one in ten.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una octava parte = one in eight.* una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.* una quinta parte = one-fifth [one fifth], one in five.* una quinta parte de = a fifth of.* una tercera parte = one third (1/3), one in three.* * *I1) (informe, comunicación) reportdar parte de un incidente — particular to report an incident; autoridad to file a report about an incident
2) (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fineIIme pasaron or me pusieron un parte — I got a ticket o a fine
1)a) (porción, fracción) partpasa la mayor or gran parte del tiempo al teléfono — she spends most of her o the time on the phone
la mayor parte de los participantes — the majority of o most of the participants
esto se debe en gran parte a... — this is largely due to...
b) ( de lugar) part¿de qué parte de México eres? — what part of Mexico are you from?
2) (en locs)es, en buena parte, culpa suya — it is, to a large o great extent, his own fault
de unos meses a esta parte la situación ha empeorado — the situation has deteriorated over the past few months
muy amable de su parte — (that is/was) very kind of you
¿de parte de quién? — ( por teléfono) who's calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml)
¿tú de parte de quién estás? — whose side are you on?
tienes que poner de tu parte — you have to do your share o part o (BrE colloq) bit
formar parte de algo — pieza/sección to be part of something; persona/país to belong to something
por mi/tu/su parte — for my/your/his part
yo, por mi parte... — I, for my part... (frml), as far as I'm concerned...
por parte de: fue un error por parte nuestra/de la compañía it was a mistake on our part/on the part of the company; por parte de or del padre on his father's side; por partes: revisémoslo por partes let's go over it section by section; vayamos por partes let's take it step by step; por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case; ( por otro lado) however, on the other hand; salva sea la parte — (euf & hum) rear (colloq & euph)
3) ( participación) part4) ( lugar)vámonos a otra parte — let's go somewhere else o (AmE) someplace else
esto no nos lleva a ninguna parte — this isn't getting o leading us anywhere
¿adónde vas? - a ninguna parte — where are you going? - nowhere
a/en todas partes — everywhere
5) (en negociación, contrato, juicio) partyla parte demandante — the plaintiff/plaintiffs
6) (Teatr) part, rolemandarse la(s) parte(s) (CS) — (fam) to show off
7) (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)•* * *= body, end, part, part, party, piece, portion, quarter, section, segment, sequence, share, report.Nota: Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización.Ex: The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.
Ex: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Ex: A part is one of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer.Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.Ex: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.Ex: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.Ex: No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.Ex: A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.Ex: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.Ex: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.* a alguna parte = someplace.* abordar una mínima parte del asunto = touch + the tip of the iceberg.* ambas partes del argumento = both sides of the fence.* a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).* buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.* dar parte de = report.* de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.* de la parte superior = topmost [top most].* de otras partes = further afield.* de parte de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf], in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.* de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.* de todas partes = from far and wide.* de una parte a otra = back and forth.* de un tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.* dividir Algo en partes iguales = divide + Nombre + in equal parts.* dividir en partes = break into + parts.* dividirse en partes = fall into + parts.* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* en alguna parte = someplace.* en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.* en buena parte = for the most part.* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en la mayor parte de = in the majority of.* en la parte de arriba = at the top.* en la parte de atrás = in the back, at the rear.* en la parte de delante = at the front.* en la parte delantera = at the front.* en la parte posterior = in the back.* en la parte superior = at the top, uppermost.* en la parte trasera = in the back, at the rear.* en ninguna parte = nowhere.* en otra parte = elsewhere, further afield.* en otras partes = further afield.* en parte = in part, part of the way, partial, partially, partly.* en parte + Nombre = part + Nombre.* en qué parte = whereabouts.* en su mayor parte = largely, mostly, for the most part.* en su parte central = at its core.* en todas partes = all around, far and wide, far and wide.* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.* entre tres partes = 3-party [three-party].* en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].* extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* formar parte = form + part.* formar parte de = be part of, be part of, build into, enter into, become + (a) part of, be a part of, inhere in, become + one with, inform, fall under.* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* formar parte de un comite = serve on + committee.* formar parte integral = form + an integral part.* formar parte integral de = be an integral part of.* formar parte natural de su entorno = blend into + the landscape.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.* la mayor parte de = the majority of, the main bulk of, the lion's share of.* la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.* la parte de atrás de = the back of.* la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.* la parte más importante = the heart of.* la parte principal de = the bulk of.* la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.* la parte trasera de = the back of.* llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado = jury duty.* llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.* más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.* mínima parte = fraction.* no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.* numeración de las partes = numbering of parts.* parte afectada = stakeholder.* parte anterior del pie = ball of + Posesivo + foot.* parte azotada por el viento = windward.* parte de accidente = accident report.* parte de atrás = back, backside, rear.* parte delantera = fore-end.* parte de una obra = component part.* parte de una publicación = component part.* parte en un contrato = contracting party.* parte expuesta al viento = windward.* parte implicada = stakeholder.* parte inferior = bottom, underside.* parte inferior derecha = lower right.* parte integral = integral part.* parte integrante = integral part, fixture.* parte interesada = interested party, stakeholder, concerned party.* parte metereológico = weather forecast.* parte musical = part.* parte posterior = backside, rear.* parte principal del texto = meat of the text.* parte protegida = lee.* parte protegida del viento = leeward.* parte que falta = missing part.* partes = bits and pieces.* partes beligerantes = warring factions, warring parties.* partes de un conflicto = warring factions, warring parties.* parte segunda = revisited.* partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.* partes enfrentadas = warring factions, warring parties.* partes implicadas, las = parties involved, the, parties concerned, the.* parte superior = top, topside.* parte trasera = back, rear.* parte vital = lifeblood.* parte Y la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of.* pero por otra parte = but then again.* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.* ponerse de parte de = side with.* ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.* por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.* por parte de = on the part of.* por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.* por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.* por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.* por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.* Posesivo + partes = Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.* Posesivo + partes íntimas = Posesivo + privates, Posesivo + family jewels.* Posesivo + partes privadas = Posesivo + crown jewels, Posesivo + family jewels, Posesivo + privates.* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + family jewels.* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + privates.* que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.* que forma parte en = involved in.* que toma parte en = involved in.* relación parte/todo = whole/part relationship.* segunda parte = sequel, follow-up.* ser parte de = be part of, be a part of, fall under.* sinónimo en parte = near synonym.* subparte = subpart.* tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.* todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.* tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.* tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.* tomar parte en = join in.* tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.* tomar parte en en el asunto = be part of the picture.* una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.* una cuarta parte = one-quarter (1/4), one in four.* una cuarta parte de = a fourth of.* una décima parte = one tenth [one-tenth], one in ten.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una octava parte = one in eight.* una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.* una quinta parte = one-fifth [one fifth], one in five.* una quinta parte de = a fifth of.* una tercera parte = one third (1/3), one in three.* * *A (informe, comunicación) reportme veo obligado a dar parte de este incidente I shall have to report this incident o file a report about this incidentllamó para dar parte de enfermo he called in sickdio parte de sin novedad ( Mil) he reported that all was wellCompuestos:death certificatedispatchmedical report o bulletinmedical report o bulletinweather reportme pasaron or sacaron or pusieron un parte I got a ticket o a fineA1 (porción, fracción) partdivídelo en tres partes iguales divide it into three equal partsuna sexta parte de los beneficios a sixth of the profitsentre 180 y 300 partes por millón between 180 and 300 parts per millionparte de lo recaudado part of the money collecteddestruyó la mayor parte de la cosecha it destroyed most of the harvestla mayor parte del tiempo most of her/your/the timela mayor parte de los participantes the majority of o most of the participantssu parte de la herencia his share of the inheritancetenemos nuestra parte de responsabilidad en el asunto we have to accept part of o a certain amount of responsibility in this affairpor fin me siento parte integrante del equipo I finally feel I'm a full member of the teamforma parte integral del libro it is an integral part of the book2 (de un lugar) partla parte antigua de la ciudad the old part of the citysoy español — ¿de qué parte (de España)? I'm Spanish — which part (of Spain) are you from?en la parte de atrás de la casa at the back of the houseen la parte de arriba de la estantería on the top shelfatravesamos la ciudad de parte a parte we crossed from one side of the city to the otherCompuestos:part of speechlion's shareB ( en locs):en parte partlyen parte es culpa tuya it's partly your faultesto se debe, en gran parte, al aumento de la demanda this is largely due to the increase in demandes, en buena parte, culpa suya it is, to a large o great extent, his own faultde un tiempo a esta parte for some time nowde cinco meses a esta parte la situación se ha venido deteriorando the situation has been deteriorating these past five months o over the past five monthsde mi/tu/su parte from me/you/himdíselo de mi parte tell him from medale saludos de parte de todos nosotros give him our best wishes o say hello from all of usdale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regardsllévale esto a Pedro de mi parte take Pedro this from memuy amable de su parte (that is/was) very kind of youde parte del director que subas a verlo the director wants you to go up and see him, the director says you're to go up and see himvengo de parte del señor Díaz Mr Díaz sent me¿de parte de quién? (por teléfono) who's calling?, who shall I say is calling? ( frml)¿tú de parte de quién estás? whose side are you on?se puso de su parte he sided with heryo te ayudaré, pero tú también tienes que poner de tu parte I'll help you, but you have to do your share o part o ( BrE colloq) bitforman parte del mecanismo de arranque they are o they form part of the starting mechanismforma parte de la delegación china she's a member of the Chinese delegationforma parte del equipo nacional she's a member of the national team, she's on ( AmE) o ( BrE) in the national teamentró a formar parte de la plantilla he joined the staffpor mi/tu/su parte for my/your/his partyo, por mi parte, no tengo inconveniente I, for my part, have no objection ( frml), as far as I'm concerned, there's no problempor parte de on the part ofexige un conocimiento de la materia por parte del lector it requires the reader to have some knowledge of the subject, it requires some knowledge of the subject on the part of the readerreclamaron una mayor atención a este problema por parte de la junta they demanded that the board pay greater attention to this problemsu interrogatorio por parte del fiscal his questioning by the prosecutorpor parte de or del padre on his father's sidepor partes: revisémoslo por partes let's go over it section by sectionvayamos por partes ¿cómo empezó la discusión? let's take it step by step, how did the argument start?el que parte y reparte se lleva la mejor parte he who cuts the cake takes the biggest sliceC (participación) partyo no tuve parte en eso I played no part in thatno le dan parte en la toma de decisiones she isn't given any say in decision-makingno quiso tomar parte en el debate she did not wish to take part in o to participate in the debatelos atletas que tomaron parte en la segunda prueba the athletes who competed in o took part in o participated in the second eventDva a pie a todas partes she goes everywhere on foot, she walks everywherese consigue en cualquier parte you can get it anywhereen todas partes everywheretiene que estar en alguna parte it must be somewhereno aparece por ninguna parte I can't find it anywhere o it's nowhere to be foundeste camino no lleva a ninguna parte this path doesn't lead anywhereesta discusión no nos va a llevar a ninguna parte this discussion isn't going to get us anywheremandar a algn a buena parte ( Chi fam euf); to tell sb to go take a running jump ( colloq), to tell sb to go to blazes ( colloq dated)en todas partes (se) cuecen habas it's the same the world overE1 (en negociaciones, un contrato) partylas partes contratantes the parties to the contractlas partes firmantes the signatoriesambas partes están dispuestas a negociar both sides are ready to negotiate2 ( Der) partysoy parte interesada I'm an interested partyCompuesto:opposing partyF ( Teatr) part, roleG ( Méx) (repuesto) part, spare part, spareCompuestos:* * *
Del verbo partir: ( conjugate partir)
parte es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
parte sustantivo masculino
1 (informe, comunicación) report;
[ autoridad] to file a report about an incident;
parte meteorológico weather report
2 (Andes) ( multa) ticket (colloq), fine
■ sustantivo femenino
pasa la mayor parte del tiempo al teléfono she spends most of her o the time on the phone;
la mayor parte de los participantes the majority of o most of the participants
◊ ¿de qué parte de México eres? what part of Mexico are you from?;
en la parte de atrás at the back
2 ( en locs)
en gran parte to a large extent, largely;
en su mayor parte for the most part;
de un tiempo a esta parte for some time now;
de parte de algn on behalf of sb;
llamo de parte de María I'm ringing on behalf of María;
dale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regards;
vengo de parte del señor Díaz Mr Díaz sent me;
¿de parte de quién? ( por teléfono) who's calling?, who shall I say is calling? (frml);
formar parte de algo [pieza/sección] to be part of sth;
[persona/país] to belong to sth;
por mi/tu/su parte as far as I'm/you're/he's concerned;
por partes: revisémoslo por partes let's go over it section by section;
vayamos por partes let's take it step by step;
por otra parte ( además) anyway, in any case;
( por otro lado) however, on the other hand;◊ por una parte …, por la otra … on the one hand …, on the other …
3 ( participación) part;
4 ( lugar):◊ vámonos a otra parte let's go somewhere else o (AmE) someplace else;
esto no nos lleva a ninguna parte this isn't getting o leading us anywhere;
¿adónde vas? — a ninguna parte where are you going? — nowhere;
en cualquier parte anywhere;
a/en/por todas partes everywhere;
en alguna parte somewhere
5 (en negociación, contrato, juicio) party
6 (Teatr) part, role
7 (Méx) ( repuesto) part, spare (part)
partir ( conjugate partir) verbo transitivo
‹nuez/avellana› to crack;
‹rama/palo› to break
‹ cabeza› to split open
verbo intransitivo
2a) parte DE algo ‹de una premisa/un supuesto› to start from sthb)◊ a partir de from;
a parte de ahora/ese momento from now on/that moment on;
a parte de hoy (as o starting) from today
partirse verbo pronominal
‹ diente› to break, chip
I sustantivo femenino
1 (porción, trozo) part: esas danzas y esos ritos forman parte de nuestra cultura, those dances and rites are part of our culture
2 (de dinero, herencia, etc) share
3 (lado, sitio) place, spot: lo puedes encontrar en cualquier parte, you can find it anywhere
4 (en un enfrentamiento, discusión) side: ¿de qué parte estás?, whose side are you on?
está de mi parte, he's on my side
tomar parte en, to take part in: no deberíamos tomar parte en esas discusiones, we shouldn't take part in those discussions
5 Jur party
II sustantivo masculino
1 (informe, comunicación) report: tienes que dar parte a la policía, you must inform the police
parte médico/meteorológico, medical/weather report
2 Rad Tel news
♦ Locuciones: de parte a parte: el espejo se rompió de parte a parte, the mirror broke in two
de parte de..., on behalf of...
Tel ¿de parte de quién?, who's calling?
en gran parte, to a large extent
en parte, partly
por mi parte, as far as I am concerned
por otra parte, on the other hand
I verbo transitivo
1 (romper, quebrar) to break: me parte el corazón verte tan desalentada, it's heartbreaking to see you so depressed
partir una nuez, to shell a walnut
2 (dividir) to split, divide
(con un cuchillo) to cut
II vi (irse) to leave, set out o off
♦ Locuciones: a partir de aquí/ahora, from here on/now on
a partir de entonces no volvimos a hablarnos, we didn't speak to each other from then on
' parte' also found in these entries:
- accionariado
- adherirse
- adormecerse
- alma
- anterior
- apéndice
- arriba
- arte
- bajón
- caída
- caído
- chimenea
- colonizar
- consignar
- cuarta
- cuarto
- de
- deber
- décima
- décimo
- deformar
- deformarse
- delicadeza
- derecha
- derecho
- desnuda
- desnudo
- distribuir
- elemento
- encima
- encoger
- episodio
- ser
- escarpa
- este
- exterior
- fondo
- fuera
- gruesa
- grueso
- infante
- infrahumana
- infrahumano
- integrar
- integrante
- jirón
- juez
- les
- más
account for
- act
- again
- against
- agenda
- anywhere
- appeal
- away
- back
- backbone
- backroom
- begin
- behalf
- bikini
- body
- bottom
- bulk
- buy out
- call
- civil
- claw back
- come away
- come under
- component
- constituent
- cross-examine
- croup
- cut
- damage
- day
- dispatch
- element
- else
- engage in
- for
- fourteenth
- fraction
- front
- good
- half
- hear of
- inner
- integral
- join
- join in
- largely
- linchpin
- lion
- listen
- mostly
* * *parte1 nm1. [informe] report;dar parte (a alguien de algo) to report (sth to sb);dimos parte del incidente a la policía we reported the incident to the policeparte de accidente [para aseguradora] (accident) claim form;parte facultativo medical report;parte de guerra dispatch;parte médico medical report;parte meteorológico weather reportparte2 nf1. [porción, elemento, división] part;hizo su parte del trabajo he did his share of the work;las partes del cuerpo the parts of the body;“El Padrino, Segunda parte” “The Godfather, Part Two”;la mayor parte de la gente most people;la mayor parte de la población most of the population;la tercera parte de a third of;repartir algo a partes iguales to share sth out equally;fue peligroso y divertido a partes iguales it was both dangerous and fun at the same time;dimos la lavadora vieja como parte del pago we traded in our old washing machine in part exchange;en parte to a certain extent, partly;en gran parte [mayoritariamente] for the most part;[principalmente] to a large extent;en su mayor parte están a favor they're mostly in favour, most of them are in favour;esto forma parte del proyecto this is part of the project;forma parte del comité she's a member of the committee;cada uno puso de su parte everyone did what they could;por mi parte no hay ningún problema it's fine as far as I'm concerned;hubo protestas por parte de los trabajadores the workers protested, there were protests from the workers;lo hicimos por partes we did it bit by bit;¡vamos por partes! [al explicar, aclarar] let's take one thing at a time!;ser parte integrante de algo to be o form an integral part of sth;llevarse la mejor/peor parte to come off best/worst;tomar parte en algo to take part in sth;llevarse la parte del león to get the lion's share;CSurmandarse la parte to put on airs;Eufen salva sea la parte: le dio un puntapié en salva sea la parte she gave him a kick up the rear;segundas partes nunca fueron buenas things are never as good the second time roundGram parte de la oración part of speech2. [lado, zona] part;la parte de abajo/de arriba, la parte inferior/superior the bottom/top;la parte trasera/delantera, la parte de atrás/de delante the back/front;el español que se habla en esta parte del mundo the Spanish spoken in this part of the world;viven en la parte alta de la ciudad they live in the higher part of the city;¿de qué parte de Argentina es? what part of Argentina is he from?, whereabouts in Argentina is he from?;la bala le atravesó el cerebro de parte a parte the bullet went right through his brain;por una parte…, por otra… on the one hand…, on the other (hand)…;por otra parte [además] what is more, besidesMéx parte baja [en béisbol] end of the inning3. [lugar, sitio] part;he estado en muchas partes I've been lots of places;¡tú no vas a ninguna parte! you're not going anywhere!;en alguna parte somewhere;en cualquier parte anywhere;en otra parte elsewhere, somewhere else;no lo veo por ninguna parte I can't find it anywhere;esto no nos lleva a ninguna parte this isn't getting us anywhere;2.000 pesos no van a ninguna parte 2,000 pesos won't get you far;en todas partes cuecen habas it's the same wherever you go4. [bando] side;estar/ponerse de parte de alguien to be on/to take sb's side;¿tú de qué parte estás? whose side are you on?;es pariente mío por parte de padre he's related to me on my father's side;tener a alguien de parte de uno to have sb on one's sideno hubo acuerdo entre las partes the two sides were unable to reach an agreement;las partes interesadas the interested partiesla parte acusadora the prosecution;parte compradora buyer;parte contratante party to the contract;parte vendedora sellerpartes pudendas private parts;recibió un balonazo en sus partes a ball hit him in the privatestraigo un paquete de parte de Juan I've got a parcel for you from Juan;venimos de parte de la compañía de seguros we're here on behalf of the insurance company, we're from the insurance company;de parte de tu madre, que vayas a comprar leche your mother says for you to go and buy some milk;dale recuerdos de mi parte give her my regards;fue muy amable/generoso de tu parte it was very kind/generous of you;¿de parte de (quién)? [al teléfono] who's calling, please?;de un tiempo a esta parte for some time now;de un mes/unos años a esta parte for the last month/last few years* * *I m report;dar parte a alguien inform s.o.;dar parte file a reportII f1 trozo part;en parte partly;en gran parte largely;la mayor parte de the majority of, most of;formar parte de form part of;tomar parte en take part in;tener parte en algo play a part in sth;la parte del león the lion’s share;ir por partes do a job in stages o bit by bit;llevar la mejor/peor parte be at an advantage/a disadvantage2 JUR party;partes contratantes contracting parties, parties to the contract3 ( lugar):alguna parte somewhere;en cualquier parte anywhere;otra parte somewhere else;en opor todas partes everywhere;en ninguna parte nowhere;conducir a ninguna parte fig be going nowhere;en otra parte elsewhere4:de parte de on o in behalf of5:por parte de madre/padre on one’s mother’s/father’s side;estar de parte de alguien be on s.o.’s side;ponerse de parte de alguien take s.o.’s side;por una parte … por otra parte on the one hand … on the other (hand)6:por otra parte moreover7:desde un tiempo a esta parte up to now, up until now* * *parte nm: report, dispatchparte nf1) : part, share2) : part, placeen alguna parte: somewherepor todas partes: everywhere3) : party (in negotiations, etc.)4)de parte de : on behalf of5)¿de parte de quién? : may I ask who's calling?6)tomar parte : to take part* * *parte n1. (en general) part¿de qué parte de Inglaterra eres? which part of England are you from?2. (a favor de) side¿de parte de quién estás? whose side are you on?a ninguna parte nowhere / not... anywherede parte de... from...¿de parte de quién? who's calling?poner de tu parte to do your share / to do your bit -
7 UEFA Kit Regulations
■ Set of rules and guidelines which constitutes the legal basis for the use of any type of equipment in UEFA competitions and ensures equal treatment of clubs, national associations, manufacturers and sponsors in the spirit of fair play.■ Reglement für die Verwendung der Ausrüstung in UEFA-Wettbewerben, das die Gleichbehandlung von Vereinen, Nationalverbänden, Herstellern und Sponsoren im Sinne des Fairplay gewährleistet. -
8 меньшинство меньшинств·о
1) (часть какой-л. группы) minorityRussian-english dctionary of diplomacy > меньшинство меньшинств·о
См. также в других словарях:
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